

Our goal is to create a mutually beneficial partnership through which we provide complimentary and discounted services, and you post about them. Positive responses beget more work!

What You Get

  • Two complimentary service appointments (selection to follow)
  • 20% off all service requests thereafter
  • $100 in service credit for every direct referral
  • One-year complimentary Goodsmith membership

Your Responsibilities

  • Post on relevant platforms (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) via story, reel, feed, etc.
  • Posts must include a link/promo code related to services completed at your home
  • Timely communication/responsiveness to Goodsmith regarding services and content
  • Share post metrics with Goodsmith

The Rules

  • Partnership subject to your proximity to Goodsmith service area
  • 20% discount contingent on you posting about service provided per above
  • Referral credit subject to new member completing/paying for a request
  • Referral credits applicable to labor only
  • Complimentary membership and discount subject to usage and results

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